How to start an eyelash extension business at home (2024)

This is the exciting moment, where your dreams become a reality and you finally get to kick-start your own eyelash extension business at home. Once you’ve stopped celebrating the fact that you’ve officially qualified as an eyelash extension technician, it’s time to get to work, creating a workspace that you and your clients will love.

Here at RM Lash and Beauty, we’ve been in this business for a long time, so we know a thing or two about setting your eyelash business up for success. Our lash extension equipment list and step-by-step guidelines on how to start an eyelash extension business at home will teach you everything you need to know. So, make sure you save the link to this page so you can come back to it whenever you need to.

Set up your room

It’s finally time to set up a space that is your own! Of course, you’ll need a clean room which allows you enough space for at least a chair and bed, with room for you to move around freely. To set a relaxing atmosphere, place a diffuser in the room with a calming scent – think the type you might find in a spa treatment room. We also recommend purchasing a dehumidifier and using a humidity meter to measure the air in the room so that you can adjust it accordingly.

When it comes to lighting, even if you’re lucky enough to have a window in your space, good natural light is rarely guaranteed. Luckily, there are some great lighting options out there, from ring lights to Glamcor lights, your goal is to find a solution that provides the appearance of natural light or better. It needs to be flexible and light, so you can move it around and make it with LED bulbs, rather than fluorescent, which provides the most flattering light.

Nowadays, it’s more important than ever to ensure that you’re keeping on top of hygiene measures, so fill your drawers and shelves with clean tools and keep them stocked up, so you never run out. You’ll also need a constant supply of barbicide liquid, so you can sterilise your tools and plenty of disposable tissues, eyelash brushes and facemasks.

Create a comfortable space

Creating a comfortable environment for both you and your clients is key. It will ensure that you do your best work and that your clients feel relaxed and happy.

Comfort in your workspace starts with a soft place for everyone to sit. You’ll need to find a chair that you can sit on for hours at a time and that you can also move around the room easily, as you work on your client. Your chair will also need to be adjustable, so that you can change the height if you need to.

Whilst you work from your chair, your client will be laying on a treatment bed or reclinable chair. Some eyelash technicians choose to use a massage table, but specially designed eyelash treatment beds are available. Above all, the bed needs to be comfortable, and it should allow you to move around your client easily. Buying a memory foam mattress to sit on top of the bed will greatly improve the comfort – just don’t be surprised if your client drops off to sleep!

Make sure you also have a selection of pillows and blankets on hand. Pillows can be placed under the client’s head or under their knees, and they might appreciate a blanket or two thrown over them, especially if they’re planning on taking a nap. You’ll need to remember to wash your pillows and blankets frequently.

Your clients will be sitting still for hours at a time, so always have water nearby and offer them a cup when they arrive. You could even check in with them during their treatment and ask whether they need a quick sip of water.

Stock your trolley

No lash artist’s workspace is complete without a trusty lash cart or trolley. This is where you’ll store all of your most-used equipment, so that it’s within easy reach whenever you need it. Be sure to always keep it tidy, so you’re never scrambling around looking for something and your client can see that you’re organised. This lash extension equipment list should cover everything you need:

  • Eyelash extensions
  • Tweezers (plus a spare pair!)
  • Eyelash extension tape
  • Eye pads
  • Eyelash glue
  • Primer
  • Eyelash glue remover
  • Eyelash brushes
  • Eyelash cleanser

Create an aftercare plan

Part of running an eyelash extension business at home is ensuring that your clients know how to care for their eyelash extensions, so they last for as long as possible. When your client’s treatment is finished, you should give them an aftercare booklet or card, which explains how they can maintain their lashes at home. You could design these yourself and include your own branding, or you can buy pre-made versions online. The most important thing is that your clients feel confident in being able to care for their extensions.

You should also have lash shampoo and brushes available to give to your clients, as they’re unlikely to have their own at home, especially if this is their first treatment. You’ll need to cover a cost, but it’s a great token of customer service and reduces the risk of your clients getting infections or losing their extensions prematurely.

Have a stock of client record cards

For insurance purposes, you’ll need a record of every client that receives treatment from you, including some of their personal details and medical history. A client record card should be given to every new client when they arrive for their treatment and can be filled out whilst you set the room up for their appointment.

This is how you’ll keep a record of client allergies, respiratory problems and whether they’ve had eyelash extensions before. The information you collect can also help tackle any misunderstandings between you and the client before they occur, as they’ll be asked to detail how they currently care for their lashes and if they have any other regular lash treatments.

Like your aftercare cards, you can design client record cards yourself, or purchase them online. Whichever option you choose, remember that your clients will see the record cards, so make sure they look professional.

Set up a booking system

So, you’ve set up your space and dealt with all the necessary admin – it’s time to start booking those clients in for their treatments! You’ll need a robust, trustworthy system that will give you peace of mind and we have just the recommendation. Fresha provides easy to use booking software for managing appointments, and it’s specifically designed for salon and beauty-based businesses.

If you just need a booking system, Fresha is free and requires no subscription fees. Your clients will be able to book online and you’ll be able to keep track of their appointments via desktop, mobile or tablet. As part of the free package, you’ll also be able to email your clients and keep track of stock, whilst, for a fee, you can also use Fresha to process payments and send marketing messages to your clients. Lots of owners are running their whole businesses using Fresha, because it’s so convenient to have it all in one place.

If you were wondering how to start an eyelash extension business at home, you’re hopefully now feeling more confident. There’s a lot of work to be done, but by following our guidance your eyelash business will be up and running in no time.

How to start an eyelash extension business at home (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.